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QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 5.iso
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Date: Fri, 4 Nov 94 04:30:35 PST
From: Ham-Equip Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-equip@ucsd.edu>
Errors-To: Ham-Equip-Errors@UCSD.Edu
Reply-To: Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu
Precedence: List
Subject: Ham-Equip Digest V94 #401
To: Ham-Equip
Ham-Equip Digest Fri, 4 Nov 94 Volume 94 : Issue 401
Today's Topics:
??? 220 MHz Amp from Lunar Electronics ???
Anyone have TH-733 info ?
Best price on Yaesu FT-5100?
Collins, 51J-4
Help with HTX-202
HELP with RS HTZ-202 (2 msgs)
MOTOROLA Signal Generator [need schematic]
Source wanted for large Vacuum Tube
Wanted: radio "harness"
What is this radio ?
Yaesu dual band mobile radio still for sale
YAESU FT901DM question
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Equip-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Equip Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-equip".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 3 Nov 1994 17:05:10 GMT
From: cisitm@albert.cad.cea.fr (Pierre Didierjean)
I'd like to know what kind of people i find on the net.
Students, Commercials, Adminitrations, Scientifics or what ??
Is anybody knows that or have statistical results ?
What are YOU doing in life ?
I am a system administrator.
Thanks for the answers and sorry for my english .....
| |
| Administrateur Systeme UNIX |
| Cisi, Aix-en-Provence |
| France |
| email : cisitm@albert.cad.cea.fr |
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 09:21:41
From: billv@olympus.net (Bill Vaughn)
Subject: ??? 220 MHz Amp from Lunar Electronics ???
In article <harris.pander01.13.2EB8F1EC@ic1d.harris.com> harris.pander01@ic1d.harris.com (Paul Anderson) writes:
>From: harris.pander01@ic1d.harris.com (Paul Anderson)
>Subject: ??? 220 MHz Amp from Lunar Electronics ???
>Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 14:21:37 GMT
>3. There are two extra pins in the "power" connector, which are labeled
>"remote." Any ideas what those are there for?
Perhaps a remote on off switch.
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 01:42:36 GMT
From: ay742@freenet.buffalo.edu (Andy Foremiak)
Subject: Anyone have TH-733 info ?
A friend has a Kenwood TH-733 and needs the mod for UHF out of
band TX and RX. Can anyone help please?
Thanks, Andy
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 13:41:17 GMT
From: phantasy@iglou.iglou.com (David A. Adams)
Subject: Best price on Yaesu FT-5100?
Greetings all -
I just received my call in the mail and am proud to say
"hello" as KE4SHD (Super Ham Dude? :-)
Anyway, I am now in the market for a mobile unit and am
looking strongly at the Yaesu FT-5100. Can anyone share
with me their pricing as they've found it? I (of course)
am looking for the locations I can order from at lowest
Also any experience stories with this radio would be
welcomed. I've been lurking for a while and keeping up
with the flow of messages, and it seems like most people
who own this radio are *very* satisfied.
Dave - KE4SHD
_____ | _ \ __ _ _ _ ___ ________________________
| | | / _` | \ / / _ |
| |_|| |_| |\ \/ | __| phantasy@iglou.com
Date: 3 Nov 1994 09:00:19 GMT
From: gwb@ucssun1.sdsu.edu (Greg Bailey @ SDSU)
Subject: Collins, 51J-4
I would appreciate e-mail from those who have modified 51J-4s, or have
suggestions for relubricating the gear mechanism.
My reciever seems to operate, however, when changing bands on my 51J-4,
there is considerable drag. Also, did Collins ever make a spinner knob
for the main tuning?
Greg W. Bailey, K6QPV
San Diego State University
Department of Electrical Engineering
Date: 3 Nov 94 16:37:00 GMT
From: MUENZLERK@uthscsa.EDU (Muenzler, Kevin)
Subject: Help with HTX-202
I dropped my HTX-202 from the top of my 50' tower. It hit the concrete base
and the only think that broke was the battery. It "exploded" into a
million pieces but all I did was plug in my spare battery (after
recovering from my heart attack) and the unit continued to work.
One tough cookie!
Legal stuff:
The above opinions are my own and not necessarily those of the staff,
faculty, administration, or lab animals (woof!) of The University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio or anyone else who is not
Kevin R. Muenzler, WB5RUE The University of Texas Health
muenzlerk@uthscsa.edu Science Center at San Antonio,
Department of Computing Resources
Liberals measure compassion by how many people they are helping.
Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need
their help.
--Jack Kemp
| I am Voltohm of Borg!
| Resistance is E/I!
| Power is EI!
Date: 3 Nov 1994 16:00:54 GMT
From: richard.krum@msfc.nasa.gov (Richard M. Krum, KE4GNK)
Subject: HELP with RS HTZ-202
In article <396bo7$g3h@wizard.uark.edu>, plaws@comp..uark.edu (Peter Laws) says:
>clint.bradford@ectech.com (Clint Bradford) writes:
>>R>Path: planet!isdnlin.mtsu.edu!darwin.sura.net!news.larc.nasa.gov!news.msfc.na
>> >From: richard.krum@msfc.nasa.gov (Richard M. Krum, KE4GNK)
>> >Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment
>> >Subject: Re: HELP with RS HTZ-202
>>R>It is a nice, although somewhat limited radio that works very well in the
>> >2 metre Ham bands. I have two of them, both heavily used.
>>"Somewhat limited"? It performs magnificently, and as advertised.
>If we didn't know better, we'd all think you worked for Tandy! You
>don't, do you?
<sigh> There are days I wish my HTX-202 had more memories, lighted keypad, and a
bigger PTT button. It does, IMHO, weigh a ton! It fills my needs, and that's what counts.
Magnificent, no. Sufficient, I'll agree with. Cost/performance ratio is QUITE nice when
it is on sale!
Please keep in mind that I have a very hard time with the concept of "falling in love"
with ANY hardware. I just prefer functional analysis, thats all. I'll reserve emotional stuff
for my family---<grin>!
On my budget (what budget?) I takes what I got, and use the hell out of it!
Ask me about my "pride and joy" Collins station I can't use yet. (What, me consistent?)
--RIch, KE4GNK
Usual disclaimers for my casual, non-work-related opinions. I do not speak for
CSC or NASA, even on a good day. Your mileage may vary wildly, mine does!
richard.krum@msfc.nasa.gov 10003 Dunbarton Drive (for now)
Computer Sciences Corporation Huntsville, AL 35803
PO box 240005 Ham Radio: KE4GNK
Huntsville, AL 35824 147.240- or 146.520 simplex
Date: 3 Nov 94 10:24:20 EDT
From: landisj@drager.com (Joe Landis - Systems & Network Mgr)
Subject: HELP with RS HTZ-202
In article <9410311135281029@ectech.com>, clint.bradford@ectech.com (Clint Bradford) writes:
> R>Path: planet!isdnlin.mtsu.edu!darwin.sura.net!news.larc.nasa.gov!news.msfc.na
> >From: richard.krum@msfc.nasa.gov (Richard M. Krum, KE4GNK)
> >Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment
> >Subject: Re: HELP with RS HTZ-202
> R>It is a nice, although somewhat limited radio that works very well in the
> >2 metre Ham bands. I have two of them, both heavily used.
> "Somewhat limited"? It performs magnificently, and as advertised.
[...Good desc of radios features snipped...]
I think he meant that it's somewhat limited in that it doesn't have a wide open
scanner front end, so you can't use it to listen to all of the nice pager
and hi band intermod junk while you're trying to have a conversation on it.
Oh and you can't illegally transmit out of band either.
Joe - AA3GN
Joe Landis - Systems and Network Manager - North American Drager - Telford, PA
landisj@drager.com - Ax25: AA3GN@WA3TSW.#EPA.PA.USA.NOAM - ampr: []
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 16:54:16 GMT
From: hawk@zinger.sps.mot.com (George Hawkins)
Subject: MOTOROLA Signal Generator [need schematic]
Hello everyone!
I own a Motorola S-1318-A Motorola signal generator. It was built
for Motorola by Measurements Inc out of Boonton, NJ.
It's in need of repair and I really need a schematic desperately.
Does anyone have one or know where I can possibly obtain one???
Thanks in advance. EMAIL Me at hawk@hawk.sps.mot.com
George Hawkins KI5X Internet: hawk@hawk.sps.mot.com
Motorola Digital Signal Processors UUCP: cs.utexas.edu!oakhill!hawk!hawk
Semiconductor Products Sector Motorola Internal Email - R12137@email
6501 William Cannon Drive West Phone (512) 891-4543
Austin Texas 78735-8598 FAX (512) 891-2947
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 12:04:29 UNDEFINED
From: lralph@dataflux.bc.ca (len ralph)
Subject: Source wanted for large Vacuum Tube
I'm looking for a source for a particular vacuum tube. It is a large ceramic
triode from an RF amplifier used in a peice of scientific equipment. The tube
I'm looking for is a 3CX30007A. I currently get them from Henry radio in
California and they cost about $1500 US or I get them rebuilt by Henry when
they wear out (about a year) for $750 US. If anyone knows a source where they
could be obtained or rebuilt more cheaply than that I would appreciate hearing
from you. Thanks.
len ralph lralph@Galaxy.gov.bc.ca or lralph@dataflux.bc.ca
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 16:39:20 GMT
From: raiman@vnet.ibm.com (Dave Raiman)
Subject: Wanted: radio "harness"
I'm interested in purchasing a chest harness for my 2m
handheld similar to those used by the National Ski Patrol.
I'd be most interested in something in the South Bay Area.
Barring that, mail order would be ok.
Dave Raiman, KC6UMZ
Date: 4 Nov 1994 00:14:45 GMT
From: mgarrett@prairienet.org (Mark A. Garrett)
Subject: What is this radio ?
In a previous article, harland@mech.ubc.ca (Harland MacKenzie) says:
>Fellow netters,
> I recently purchased an old radio from a junk/surplus dealer.
>I have very little idea of actually what it is. My best guess is an
>early '70s vintage comercial fm protable. I suspect it is crystal
>controlled and the power ( 5 W ) makes me think it it not CB.
>Here are the specs,
> Made By: Fanon Electronics
> Model: T909 code:375053 5 watt / 6 channels
> DOT#:168201049 and 168362045 ( written on back )
> Power: 15 VDC also has batt. pack on the side for AA cells
> Size: approx. 12"long 3" wide 1.5" thick
>On the front:
> Meter for signal/batt.
> Batt. saver switch
> Squelch & Volume sliders
> Rotary A-F Channel selector
> A switch for 'delta' (+,0,-) Repeater offest ??
> Power Switch
> Switch marked PA
> PTT on the side of the case.
> Text " FET and IC Circuits "
>On the back:
> Jacks for mic., speaker, earphone, antenna
> Very long approx. 4'
>Does anyone know what I have bought? Can I convert it to amateur use ?
>Have I just bought several evenings worth of enjoyment and tinkering ?
> Thanks,
> Harland
>Harland MacKenzie <--> VE7HMI "Once you have eliminated
>Department of Mechanical Engineering the impossible, what ever
>University of Brithish Columbia remains, no matter how
>Vancouver, B.C. Canada improbable, must be the
> truth",
>Internet: harland@mech.ubc.ca Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
>CompuServe: 72162,2245
>Standard Disclaimer: Opinions are mine not the schools
Harland, it sounds like you have picked up a cb radio. Fanon was big in
the cb craze of the 70's and it sounds like you have picked up a small mobile
or even a portable unit. The best bet would be to open it up and look
inside at the crystals. If they have any frequencys labeled in the 26 or
27 Mhz reigon and you can see a modulation transformer then you have a cb.
The other thing you can do is to attach a 50 ohm load to the unit and hook
up 12 volts to the power leads and using another cb, you can place it near
the unit and key the mic and look for it on any of the 40 channels. Chances
are that you will find it in one of the older 23 channels.
Other tips would be a vinyl type cord (excluding E.F. Johnson products).
Delta tune switches and a Pa function is somehting that is found on most
Mark Garrett mgarrett@firefly.prairienet.org
Date: 3 Nov 1994 01:26:23 GMT
From: north@alumni.caltech.edu (Donald J. North)
Subject: Yaesu dual band mobile radio still for sale
I still have a Yaesu FT-4700RH dual band mobile radio for sale.
Its max power output is 50Watts on 2 meter and 40Watts on 440Mhz.
It is different from most others in that the front panel is detachable
and remotely mountable, meaning the display panel can be mounted on
a car's dash and the main body in the trunk, for example. Included is
the sub-audible tone encode/decode chips for both bands. I am also
including an optional outboard speaker for better sound quality.
It is perfect condition, and the protective plastic clear cover on the
LCD display has never been removed! No scrathes on this display!
I am asking $400 plus shipping for the entire package listed above.
Contact me for more info.
Donald North
phone/fax 209 634 7570
Date: 3 Nov 1994 06:07:01 -0500
From: ablackbelt@aol.com (ABLACKBELT)
Subject: YAESU FT901DM question
In article <1994Oct30.220209.511@stim.stim.tec.tn.us>,
ceddlemon@stim.stim.tec.tn.us writes:
I have the identical rig (and offered it for sale for 650 w/shure mic) and
it is a fine 15 yr old + radio. It has tube finals and a 12by7a driver
tube. It is not good for Hf packet due to the inherent instability of the
tube type units. It is not general coverage however is a real fine good
sounding rig. I get compliments on the audio quality whenever I decide to
fire it up. If you like tuning and dipping etc then its a great price
provided that the finals are still in good shape. My rig puts out a solid
125 with high output matched 6146's. Its becoming a bit of a collectors
item and I think its of the same vintage as a Kenwood 820.
Any other ?'s email ablackbelt@aol.com
For 300 bucks if its working grab it. The DM has everything included as
standard for the top line unit.
End of Ham-Equip Digest V94 #401